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United Methodist Church General Conference 2020
April 23 – May 3, 2024

Please join in praying for The United Methodist Church throughout the General Conference. We invite you to pray for the outcome of the session that will be pleasing to God and will lead the church forward into a new season of renewal and growth. We invite you to pray for the delegates, the bishops, for the laity and clergy of our church, and for all whose lives will be impacted by the General Conference’s decisions. The Upper Room has prepared a prayer guide for use in the days preceding the conference - we invite you to use this resource as you pray for the upcoming General Conference.

Delegates from Greater NJ:
Clergy: Drew Dyson, Kaleigh Corbett Rasmussen, Jennifer Cho, Tom Lank
Laity: Bethany Amey Sutton, Harriett Olsen, Steve Quigg, Cynthia Kent
Clergy Reserves: William Williams III, Eunice Vega-Perez
Laity Reserves: Carolyn Pendleton, Moselle Jules

Download the Prayer Guide 

Learn about the processes, key issues to be discussed, and more through these Pre-General Conference educational videos created by the UM News agency.

Watch Educational Videos

Ways to Follow General Conference:
General Conference Schedule: Find it here
Website for News and Commentary from The UMC: UM News
Subscribe to the UMNews: Daily Digest
Official General Conference Site:

Follow FMC Moorestown & Greater NJ Annual Conference on Social Media:
- FMC: Facebook | Instagram
- GNJUMC: Facebook | X

Watch the Livestream

Updates From General Conference

Watch daily update videos from General Conference on ResourceUMC.

ResourceUMC Recap Videos

Key Highlights of General Conference: Full Wrap-up

May 2 wrap-up: Delegates declare homosexuality no longer ‘incompatible’

Reconciling Ministries Network Legislative Summary 

legislative summary

Read #UMCGC What Just Happened?

Updates from our Greater New Jersey delegates and Bishop

May 2, 2024 - GNJ Delegates Provide an Update and Celebration

May 1, 2024 - Historic Decision Made

Message from Bishop Schol | Love in Action from United Methodists of EPA&GNJ on Vimeo.

Learn more about the details of this historic vote in this UM News article.

April 29, 2024

Join GNJ's Bethany Amey Sutton and Rev. Drew Dyson as they delve into the their response to regionalization, the hopeful energy palpable at the General Conference, and their requests for prayer from you.

April 26, 2024

Bishop John Schol's General Conference Update (April 26, 2024) from United Methodists of EPA&GNJ on Vimeo.

Watch and share a video message from Bishop John Schol giving an update on how God and God’s people are moving at the postponed-2020 General Conference.

- The budget report essentially says that the local church matters, and the budget is sufficient to carry out the mission. We will not be increasing apportionments.
- Regionalization was raised up by members from the Central Conferences and will allow us to decentralize and contextualize our ministries.
- Central Conference delegates are well-represented, actively participating, and hold committee leadership positions — disproving reports of disenfranchisement.

First Methodist Church
446 E. Camden Avenue | Moorestown, New Jersey 08057

Summer Sunday Worship Times
June 2 through September 1
10:00 AM - Combined

Regular Sunday Worship Times
Resuming September 8
9:00 AM - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional