Jesus loves kids.
Jesus invited all the children to come to him and we want to do the same! We offer many enriching opportunities for kids at First Methodist Church in Moorestown. We hope you'll join us on Sunday mornings or on Thursday evenings for Young Followers so that your kids can experience how much Jesus loves them!
Kids’ Church: K-5th Grade
FMC offers an engaging worship experience Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM for children in K-5th grades. Kids and teachers gather in F104 -105 to sing, learn, make arts and crafts, participate in activities, and find out what it means to follow Jesus in an inclusive church setting.
Nursery: Birth to 4 years old
Loving nursery care is available for everyone younger than Kindergarten age.
Young Followers
On Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 PM, kids K-5 meet and enjoy Food, Fellowship, and Fun! Contact Jeremiah Appleton for more information.
To best care for and protect all of God’s children, our congregation follows a Safe Sanctuary policy and anyone who works directly with children or vulnerable adults is background-checked and screened.
Children’s Music Ministry
Thursdays, 5:00-5:30 PM
Singing, dance, drama, chimes & more!
Contact Donna Banes at
or (856)222-9369 for more information.